Turning Point Family Services

"From One Direction to Another"

Turning Point Family Services is a community mental health agency committed to providing comprehensive counseling, mental health and supportive case management services to individuals and families. We provide services that are customized based on each person’s Individualized Service Plan (ISP) and that promote a positive sense of well-being, self-worth and dignity for those we serve.  Our person-centered approach means clients will benefit from our staff of Qualified Mental Health Professionals (QMHP) and dedicated administrative team who, together with our various community partners, bring more than 30 years of experience to bear to meet our clients’ specific needs. 

Turning Point Family Services has developed a three-part program to meet our client’s individual needs.  The goals of our programs are to:

  1. Strengthen and preserve the family unit
  2. Improve behaviors in the home and the community
  3. Enable and empower others to be a productive member of society.


Services offered include:

Intensive In-HomE

Intensive in-home is a short-term, solution- focused, consulting service provided in the home for children and adolescents under the age of 21.

Mental Health Skill Building

Mental Health Skill Building Services offered to individuals from the age of 18 years to adults.


We provide a resource for youth and adolescents and engage them in positive activities in their community.


Our Mission

It is our mission to provide the highest quality services to consumers with behavioral, mental, and emotional needs; to positively impact their quality of life, sense of self-worth and dignity and help them become productive members of the community.